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Undergraduate Payment Plans

Payment Plan Option - Transact

Payment plans are through Transact/CASHNet. With this option you may pay your balance (after financial aid, if applicable) in three monthly installments with the last payment due before next terms registration date. Below you will find the open and close enrollment dates, due dates, rates for the Payment Plan Option, and additional information:

Payment Plan Enrollment Dates 2024-25

Payment Plan Enrollment Fees

Payment Plan Due Dates

  • Student Financial Aid amounts should be factored into the balance calculation
  • The total budget amount will not be recalculated if the students balance increases or decreases
  • Students are allowed to adjust their plan amount
  • Student cannot enroll in a new plan until they complete their existing plan
  • Students cannot enroll in more than one plan per term
  • Parents/Authorized Users can enroll a student in a plan
  • There will be a payment calculator for students to determine the budget amount of the plan (optional)
  • If enrolling late in a plan, students are required to pay off any missed installments before enrolling in the plan
  • Electronic signature is required: Student UID
  • Students can enroll in Automatic Payments for their Payment Plans
  • Payment Plan Summary will be displayed on student account for 6 months, then deleted.